عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 04-14-2012, 10:20 PM رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
م .نبيل زبن
الصورة الرمزية م .نبيل زبن
إحصائية العضو


م .نبيل زبن غير متواجد حالياً



The interior base of the skull
القاعدة الداخلية للجمجمة

The inferior or outer surface of the skull base
السطح السفليالخارجي لقاعدة الجمجمة

The left temporal bone seen from the outside
العظم الصدغي من الخارج

The os sphenoid* from its upper or its brain surface
A) Body or base.
B) Lesser wing or ensiform process of the sphenoid.
C) Greater wing (cerebral outer surface).
a) Medial clinoid process.
b) Sella Turcica* the fossa for the hypophysis gland.
c) Posterior clinoid process.
d) Carotid sulcus.
e) Anterior clinoid process.
f) Optic foramen.
g) Superior orbital fissure.
h) Foramen rotundum.
i) Foramen ovale.
k) Foramen spinosum.
l) Spinous process.
m) Lingula.
n) Sphenoid crest.
o) Superior margin (articulates with the frontal bone).
p) Posterior margin (articulates with squamous part of temporal bone).
q) Posterior inferior part (placed on the petrus part of the temporal bone).
r) Clivus.

The anterior surface of the sphenoid bone.
A) Body of the sphenoid bone.
B) Lesser wing of the sphenoid.
C) Greater wing of the sphenoid (orbital surface).
D) Pterygoid process.
a) Posterior clinoid process.
b) Sella turcica (fossa for the hypophysis).
c) Orifice of the sphenoid sinus.
d) Sphenoid crest.
e) Superior orbital fissure.
f) Orbital surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
g) Foramen rotundum.
h) Vidian canal (pterygoid canal).
i) Spinous process.
k) Pterygoid sulcus or palatine sulcus (the posterior wall of the pterygopalatine canal).
l) Lateral wing of the pterygoid process.
m) Medial wing of the pterygoid process.
n) Pterygoid notch.
o) Pterygoid hamulus.

The mandible seen from its anterior surface
الفك السفلي السطح الامامي
A) Body* horizontal part.
B) Ramus.
a) Inferior surface of the body; the base (attachment site for mm scalene* quadratus menti* platysma* and digastricus).
b) Alveolar margin* with sixteen alveoli.
c) External mental protuberance.
d) Mental foramen (passage for mental artery* vein* and nerve; exit for the inferior alveolar canal).
e) External oblique line (origin for the m buccinator).
f) Mandibular angle (insertion for m masseter).
g) Condyloid process (from the neck).
h) Coronoid process (insertion for m temporalis).
i) Semilunar incisure.
k) Incisure teeth.
l) Canine teeth.
m) Molar teeth.

The mandible is placed to see the inner surface

السطح الداخلي للفك السفلي
A) Body or horizontal part of the mandible.
B) Ramus of the mandible.
a) Base or inferior surface.
b) Alveolar margin.
c) Internal mental spine (origin for mm geniohyoid and genioglossus).
d) Internal oblique line (origin for mm mylohyoid and for mylopharyngeus or superior pharyngeal constrictor).
e) Inferior mandibular angle.
f) Condyloid process.
g) Coronoid process.
h) Semilunar incisure.
i) Inferior alveolar foramen (entrance to inferior alveolar canal).
k) Mylohyoid sulcus* for the mylohyoid nerve from the inferior alveolar nerve

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